[liberationtech] Recently sold sensenetworks has creepy buying habits tracking feature

JCX nadesico at gmail.com
Thu Jul 3 09:54:48 PDT 2014

There are many companies that do this through Wi-Fi hotspots.

You can correlate them to online users if the users actually connect to the
free wifi hotspots and login somehow. (Think free coupon or whatever)

I imagine you can get something reasonable going if you hook the system up
to the POS system.

Apple's recent decision to randomize MAC ID on iOS might make it harder but
probably not impossible.

On 3 July 2014 02:54, <duncan at openmailbox.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> A few months back a ad platform sensenetworks was recently bought by a
> large US corp. Among their offerings, is the not uncommon real-time bidding
> auction for ads:
> http://crypto.mm.st/sense-ad-bid.jpg
> However, what shocks me is the claim that they're able to track users
> buying items in physical stores. How they do this, is completely beyond me.
> (https://www.sensenetworks.com/retail-retargeting/)
> --
> Duncan
> --
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