[liberationtech] A modest proposal for protecting the work (and freedom) of activists.

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Sun Jan 26 00:45:47 PST 2014

On 25 January 2014 23:46, coderman <coderman at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 3:23 PM, Ben Laurie <ben at links.org> wrote:
>> [low latency vs. anonymity]
>> Actually, it seems it is a natural law.
>> Hope is not a strategy.
> natural in that they interfere with each other? (like multi-path fade,
> apply science for great justice! (e.g. more radios, better encoding
> turns multi-path from detriment to signal positive))
> if high bandwidth[0] is half way there,

Clearly the measure of interest is bandwidth*latency, so high
bandwidth is effectively high latency.

> and so many techniques[1] yet
> unexplored, why the pessimism?

Lower latency == smaller anonymity set, no matter what you do.

> it is certainly taking too long to get here, of course.  *grin*
> best regards,
> 0. "Towards Efficient Traffic-analysis Resistant Anonymity Networks"
>  http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/?id=199302
> """
> In this paper, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation
> of Aqua, a high bandwidth anonymity system that resists traffic
> analysis. We focus on providing strong anonymity for BitTorrent, and
> evaluate the performance of Aqua using traces from hundreds of
> thousands of actual Bit-Torrent users. We show that Aqua achieves
> latency low enough for efficient bulk TCP flows, bandwidth sufficient
> to carry BitTorrent traffic with reasonable efficiency, and resistance
> to traffic analysis within anonymity sets of hundreds of clients. We
> conclude that Aqua represents an interesting new point in the space of
> anonymity network designs.
> """
> 1. various datagram based Tor-like protocols with traffic analysis
> protections afforded new multi-path, out-of-order, stochastic shaped
> bandwidth in non-TCP, non-stream based variants.  plenty of fertile
> research ground across:
> - IPsec telescopes
> - DTLS transports for Tor
> - userspace SCTP multi-path end-to-exit and end-to-hiddensvc over
> datagram Tor, I2P, etc.
> - userspace IPv6 with ORCHID based node identifier overlay as endpoint
> and route addressing to existing applications.
> - new variations and combinations of optimized dynamic link padding
> - decentralized low bandwidth directory/path building low overhead techniques
> - stochastic fair queuing and reordering with traffic source
> classification into priority queues for even lower path latency, RTT.
>  and many more, not on top of mind... [obligatory link to anon bib here]
> --
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