[liberationtech] A modest proposal for protecting the work (and freedom) of activists.

Guido Witmond guido at witmond.nl
Sat Jan 25 06:57:48 PST 2014

On 01/20/14 20:07, Katy Pearce wrote:
> Not to be a downer here, but until this is addressed:
> - security is incredibly easy to use - security does not slow down 
> the internet or the computing power - security does not attract the 
> attention of security services
> then all the training in the world isn't going to make people take 
> these precautions.


The first rule of First Aid is to protect yourself before helping the
victim. Otherwise the next person has to take care of two victims.

We need exactly that in regards of security and privacy tools. We need
to weave the crypto-tools into the fabric of the Net, used by anyone at
every site and every connection, even if normal users use it to spill
their lives on facebook, only then can we start to train those who have
a life-or-death need for security and privacy, the activists, journalists...

Katy's remark above sums it up nicely.

Disclosure: I'm working on a protocol and implementation to make weave
ubiquitous crypto into the net[0]. My biggest hurdle: how to get people
to use it....

Regards, Guido Witmond.

0: http://eccentric-authentication.org/

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