[liberationtech] A modest proposal for protecting the work (and freedom) of activists.

Kate Krauss katie at critpath.org
Mon Jan 20 19:37:22 PST 2014

*Seems like we haven't adapted to the "documentation is a process, not aone
time task" mindset at large yet.*

:)  Maybe making a list of accidental offenders and then asking them to
take down their old info would be useful? I haven't tried this before,
though; maybe it's difficult to track them down.

Kate Krauss

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 7:23 PM, Patrick Schleizer <adrelanos at riseup.net>wrote:

> Kate Krauss:
> > I do see a lot of obsolete sites
> Seems like we haven't adapted to the "documentation is a process, not a
> one time task" mindset at large yet.
> There is also little motivation in creating new content. There is so
> much obsolete content with with good spots in engine, who will read your
> updated content? For example I recently created an article "Air Gapped
> OpenPGP Key" [1]. But when someone searches for "offline gpg key" or
> "air gap gpg key" the article isn't in the result.
> How search engines dominate what we find, read and think nowadays is a
> problem, also that the internet doesn't forget and we're not good at
> cleaning outdated content.
> I think all that leads to the many obsolete sites you're talking about.
> [1] https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Air_Gapped_OpenPGP_Key
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