[liberationtech] A modest proposal for protecting the work (and freedom) of activists.

Katy Pearce katycarvt at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 11:36:10 PST 2014

Okay, my perspective comes from  researching and knowing activists in
authoritarian states - they have so much ICT security training and
documentation thrown at them in a multitude of languages, yet they still
don't use it. I had no idea that someonel ike Glen Greewald - a native
English speaker with a college education - can't figure this out. Maybe
some of that training material written in Russian or Chinese or Arabic or
Farsi needs to be translated into English.

On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Kate Krauss <katie at critpath.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I think the idea is that there is a subset of activists and journalists
> who are very motivated to encrypt who can't. Glen Greenwald comes to mind.
> I come to mind, and a bunch of my activist friends from countries under
> pressure. I don't see much easy to use instruction on how--and finding them
> easily is important. I do see a lot of obsolete sites (and is the MIT key
> server broken?) that come up first in searches.
> Thanks for reading and commenting,
> Katie
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Katy Pearce <katycarvt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> My point is that, to my understanding, there already exists a lot of very
>> digestible trainings. But until other issues are addressed, adoption is not
>> likely. Decades of research tells us this. :)
>> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 11:17 AM, Nathan of Guardian <
>> nathan at guardianproject.info> wrote:
>>> Katy Pearce <katycarvt at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >Not to be a downer here, but until this is addressed:
>>> Your post specifically discussed building a training wizard and I was
>>> simply showing you what we had done here to make a simple, friendly
>>> experience using plain language.
>>> I would keep the discussion focused on that for now, because it is a
>>> worthwhile topic and there are many existing super easy solutions out there
>>> that definitely need help on the awareness building front.
>>> If you want to have the "I want unbreakable crypto that is simple, fast
>>> and totally invisible" discussion we can, but is a different topic.
>>> With all respect,
>>>    Nathan
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