[liberationtech] 13 years in the making...

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Thu Jan 2 06:46:41 PST 2014

On 01/02/2014 09:16 AM, Petter Ericson wrote:
> Wireless communication is inherently about transmitting and receiving radio
> waves, and triangulating any omnidirectional radiation source is relatively
> easy. So the answer is "yes, assuming they have agents in close enough
> proximity and using the correct tools".

Another important point to make about OLSRd based mesh networks is that
each user has a static IP address based on the MAC address of their
device. Will this can be seen as a feature in many ways (i.e. you can
establish persistent services at known IP addresses even if people move
around physically), it does remove the ability to be anonymous at the IP

I wouldn't say this along makes triangulation possible, but it does make
logging of activity, and building up of a profile easier.


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