[liberationtech] Academicians punished because of joining Gezi Protests in Turkey. Need your help.

Arif YILDIRIM arifyildirim at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 14:14:02 PST 2014

Sorry for the inconvenience. Here the text in the mail.... Thanks again.


To The Press and Public,

As a result of disciplinary proceedings undertaken by the Dean’s Office at
the Marmara University Faculty of Communication, which was initiated upon
the request of the Dean Yusuf Devran against 11 reasearch assistants
for  joining
the countrywide strike action that was  organised by KESK (Confederation of
Public Workers’ Union) on 4th and 5th of June 2013, 8 research assistants
were subjected to promotional suspension penalty for 24 months.

With this decision, Vice President of Marmara University, Zafer Gul and the
Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Yusuf Devran once again declared
their determination to violate the consitutional rights of strike, freedom
of speech as well as their disclaim of political and democratic rights of
academics and workers of the Marmara University to organize, to unionize
and to strike that are also under protection of several international
protocols such as Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms, and European Convention on Human Rights. This
decision is not only been violation of political and democratic rights of
academic and labor body of the University; but also an expression of the
the Vice Presidency and the Communications Faculty Dean’s Office  overt
disregard of international community that has recently condemned
criminalization of democratic acts of academic by and unlawful
investigations toward it. The petition that was signed in last September by
1,431 international scholars, philosophers, social scientists among whom
there were many prominent academics of respective fields, was an expression
of ongoing concern about level of academic freedom, organization, political
rights and democratic participation in Marmara University.

8 research assistants who have participated to countrywide strike called by
KESK were subjected to the same penalty as the murderer of Ethem Sarisuluk,
who was shot by his head during protests at the Gezi Park. This does not
show utter collapse of justice in Turkey; but also determination of
pro-government institutions and  academic administrations to condemn Gezi
Park protests, and protestors who radically challanged the legitimacy of
political power in Turkey as well as their utter hatred and resentment
towards them.

We also emphasize that these unlawful allegations, charges and penalties
are part of the ongoing process against research assistants who have been
forced to work without job security, have been made to sign only 6-monts
contract before upcoming Presidency elections at the Marmara University.
All these illegimate acts that aim to install fear and intimidation among
all components of academic body will be indicted and accounted before the
democratic public.

While keeping to expose all confronted unlawful experience, we declare that
we will take all necessary legal actions on every member of administrative
body of the Marmarma University who endorse those unlawful penalty charges,
utter slanderous statements like “significant defects were caused in exams
due to strike” or attempt to split up research assistants among themselves
by offering a reduction with imposed penalties in return of  defense
modification  during the investigation process.

We call democratic public, national and international community of
scholars, intellectuals and academics to stand next to our rightful and
decisive research assistants, defending freedom of expression and
organisation within the universities against those menace and slanderer
people, who abuse their power over those who practice their most democratic
political rights. We call national and international community of those who
are concerned about arbitrary use of power, violation of democratic
principles and rights in Turkey to stand next to our struggle for justice
and political freedom at the Marmara University.

*Education and Science Workers' Union, Bureau of Universities, İstanbul*

Asst.Prof.Dr.Arif YILDIRIM
Head of the Department of Journalism

On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 12:08 AM, Marcin de Kaminski
<marcin at dekaminski.se>wrote:

> Could you please not attach any files but rather paste the text in an
> email to the list?
> --
> Marcin de Kaminski
> PhDc Sociology of Law, University of Lund
> Lund University Internet Institute, Cybernorms Research Group
> Personal homepage - www.dekaminski.se
> Phone#: +46-(0)768 04 51 51
> (Sent frpm my iPhbne.)
> 9 feb 2014 kl. 23:05 skrev Arif YILDIRIM <arifyildirim at gmail.com>:
> Hello Liberationtech;
> I need your support to help my former colleagues who are punished with
> stopping the rise by seniority for 24 months by Rector and Dean because of
> they joined to Gezi Protest and also joined a lawful strike by the union!
> They need a supportive international public opinion. Here the statement of
> the union to realize what happened and will happen as an attachment.
> Thanks to you to all...
> --
> Asst.Prof.Dr.Arif YILDIRIM
> Head of the Department of Journalism
> --
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Asst.Prof.Dr.Arif YILDIRIM
Head of the Department of Journalism
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