[liberationtech] Academicians punished because of joining Gezi Protests in Turkey. Need your help.

Marcin de Kaminski marcin at dekaminski.se
Sun Feb 9 14:08:03 PST 2014

Could you please not attach any files but rather paste the text in an email to the list?

Marcin de Kaminski
PhDc Sociology of Law, University of Lund
Lund University Internet Institute, Cybernorms Research Group
Personal homepage - www.dekaminski.se

Phone#: +46-(0)768 04 51 51

(Sent frpm my iPhbne.)

> 9 feb 2014 kl. 23:05 skrev Arif YILDIRIM <arifyildirim at gmail.com>:
> Hello Liberationtech;
> I need your support to help my former colleagues who are punished with stopping the rise by seniority for 24 months by Rector and Dean because of they joined to Gezi Protest and also joined a lawful strike by the union! They need a supportive international public opinion. Here the statement of the union to realize what happened and will happen as an attachment. 
> Thanks to you to all...
> -- 
> Asst.Prof.Dr.Arif YILDIRIM 
> Head of the Department of Journalism
> -- 
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