[liberationtech] Tailored Crypto Workshops in Brussels

J.M. Porup jm at porup.com
Sat Aug 30 15:32:24 PDT 2014

On Sat, Aug 30, 2014, at 19:21, Cristina wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm a bit shocked by the content of this email.
> > 
> > Securing data of persons as important as the European Commission
> > Officials should be the full time work of a dedicated elite infosec
> > crew. I would be very surprised if there were no such things in place.
> > Piotr Chmielnicki
> > 
> you can continue shocking because as far as I could know, that's not
> only an EU problem: the same issue exists across Sudamerica and we fight
> hard to awaken lawyers, top level officials and EVEN the Press (so
> proud, nothing would ever happen to them!) about the importance of
> security measures.

Have to concur. A couple of months ago, I met with the head of one of 
Latin America's leading digital rights organizations, and found myself 
giving him an impromptu course in OpSec. I was shocked.

Meanwhile in Colombia, journalists get murdered by all and sundry,
and no one seems to give a damn...


J.M. Porup

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