[liberationtech] Tailored Crypto Workshops in Brussels

Cristina efecto99 at riseup.net
Sat Aug 30 15:21:41 PDT 2014

> Hello,
> I'm a bit shocked by the content of this email.
> Securing data of persons as important as the European Commission
> Officials should be the full time work of a dedicated elite infosec
> crew. I would be very surprised if there were no such things in place.

> Piotr Chmielnicki

you can continue shocking because as far as I could know, that's not
only an EU problem: the same issue exists across Sudamerica and we fight
hard to awaken lawyers, top level officials and EVEN the Press (so
proud, nothing would ever happen to them!) about the importance of
security measures.

Most of the time, useless time...

I praise Jan's proposal. I believe he knows as myself what it's "the sad
truth" and want to change it.



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