[liberationtech] CfP: Communication Theory Special Issue on "Communication for Social Change"

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Sep 4 10:26:02 PDT 2013

Special Issue Call for Papers

Communication Theory special issue on
Communication for Social Change

Guest editors: Jan Servaes and Karin Wilkins
Submission deadline: February 1, 2014

Advocacy and communication for social change have been interpreted and 
applied in different ways across contexts and over time. Communication 
theory, connected with research, policy and practice, offers divergent 
perspectives. Critical assessments of these divergent theories will help 
build a more comprehensive understanding of communication for social 
change. In order to integrate more global and critical perspectives, we 
invite critical reflections on the ways in which communication theory 
serves and limits social change, in terms of development practice, policy, 
and discourse.

Communication Theory therefore invites authors to submit papers for a 
future special issue on “Communication for Social Change.” Contributions 
could analyze current theoretical developments in advocacy and 
communication for and about social change, revisit epistemological and 
historical foundations, examine the integration of theory and practice, or 
critically assess special approaches such as advocacy communication, 
behavioral change communication, participatory communication or 
communication for sustainable social change.

Manuscripts (of maximum 9000 words in APA style) must be submitted by 
February 1, 2014, through the online submission system of Communication 
Theory. Authors should indicate that they wish to have their manuscript 
considered for the special issue. More info on Communication Theory. 
Inquiries can be sent to Jan Servaes and Karin Wilkins.

jan servaes, ph.d. | chair professor and head | department of media and 
communication - city university of hong kong | tel: (852) 3442 8622 | fax: 
(852) 3442 0228 | jservaes at cityu.edu.hk

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