[liberationtech] Call for Tenders SMART 2013/N004 “European Capability for Situational Awareness” (ECSA) - European Federation for cyber-censorship and human rights monitoring

Linus Nordberg linus at nordberg.se
Wed Sep 4 02:41:16 PDT 2013

"Caspar Bowden (lists)" <lists at casparbowden.net> wrote
Wed, 04 Sep 2013 10:13:45 +0100:

| *) Is there an official channel (web page? email?) for individuals to
| complain about this policy ? (there's only a general email here
| <http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/informatics/contact/index_en.htm> and
| @stephen_quest <https://twitter.com/stephen_quest> did not answer me)

FWIW, I have an open case since January with "the competent Commission
service" (case id 0697579 / 3796149) regarding this:


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