[liberationtech] Call for Tenders SMART 2013/N004 “European Capability for Situational Awareness” (ECSA) - European Federation for cyber-censorship and human rights monitoring

Caspar Bowden (lists) lists at casparbowden.net
Wed Sep 4 02:13:45 PDT 2013

Dear Camino

On 09/04/13 08:39, Camino.MANJON at ec.europa.eu wrote:
> It is not out department in charge of blocking Tor users from accessing content hosted under Europa,eu.
> Conversations with the DG In charge (DG DIGIT) as most of you know, have been long and unfruitful so far.
> I am on leave now but at my return I will retake conversations with the officials in charge of the internal EC security to see the chances to lift the ban.

(If you are in a position to answer), this seems like something EU civil 
society should get more focussed on:

*) Is there an official channel (web page? email?) for individuals to 
complain about this policy ? (there's only a general email here 
<http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/informatics/contact/index_en.htm> and 
@stephen_quest <https://twitter.com/stephen_quest> did not answer me)

*) does this fall under DIGIT A/B/C (not obvious)?

*) has DG DIGIT made any official public statement so far about Tor 
blocking (apart from this 

many thanks

(Tor Board member but not speaking that capacity or representing Tor)
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