[liberationtech] RiseUp

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 19 16:54:22 PDT 2013

On 10/18/2013 07:23 PM, Alfredo Lopez wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Besides being wrong, this is truly offensive. Rise-Up is a remarkable
> collective with outstanding service and enormous commitment to
> principle.

Then I'd strongly suggest rethinking the four bullet points at:

They are ambiguous, and they clash with the clarity of the "Political 
Principles" at:

It's not very helpful to introduce ambiguity into the process of 
registration, _especially_ at the point where you're asking the user to 
agree to something.  Either put all 11 Political Principles on that 
page, or-- if you really do want to limit your userbase-- focus on the 
few points from those 11 points that don't share common ground with most 
widely-held ideologies.

But there's just no sense in introducing four poorly-written, unrelated 
counterpoints that use insider language and a pseudo-intellectual tone 
to dissuade potential participants.  If Riseup really thinks that a 
"broad spectrum of the political left" will have any idea what the 
phrase "vanguard strategy for revolution" even means, then they are 
vastly underestimating the diversity of the left.


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