[liberationtech] 17 Days to Go || Be a part of the ICT Extravaganza || The Manthan Award Asia Pacific

Manthan Award manthanaward at gmail.com
Sun Nov 17 22:27:08 PST 2013

*Connection people for Access & Empowerment, 5th-6th December 2013, New

Digital Empowerment Foundation, under the flagship of World Summit Awards,
along with .ORG and Vodafone organizing “10th Manthan Award Asia
on *5th-6th December* at ‘*India Habitat Center, New Delhi*’.

DEF is celebrating a decade of digital inclusiveness awarding some of the
extremely magnificent ICT initiatives from across the 36 countries of Asia
Pacific in 12 categories of Agriculture, Ecology, Governance, Health,
Community Broadcasting, Journalism, Entertainment, Games, Tourism, etc.

On behalf of the organisation, I am writing to invite you to join us for
the main event & conference.  Please register by filling your details
online. Click here to register.<http://manthanaward.org/registration2013.asp>

Major Highlights of 2 day event would be-

   - Participation from *10 – 15 Countries*;
   - More than *2,000 delegates* would be attending;
   - More than *200 best digital innovations* to showcase and demonstrate
   their technologies;
   - *30 community radio stations* showcasing their work & LIVE radio
   broadcasting from the Community Radio Pavilion;
   - *50+ Social Media Enthusiasts *to talk on Social media as a
   development & empowerment tool;
   - Government bodies and departments from *25 States of India and at
   least 7 countries*;
   - *100+ Private sector* interested in ICT for development and rural
   - *200 NGOs* to participate;
   - Higher power inauguration followed by *12 parallel interactive
   sessions* covering areas of Education, News & Journalism, Health,
   Governance, Community Broadcasting, Agriculture & Ecology;
   - Summits on Wireless for Communities, *e-MSME, eNGO, Digital Literacy,
   Social Media, Women, Panchayat,* etc.;
   - Awarding *500,000 of amount to the NGO using ICT* at its best to
   empower lives;
   - *50 Digital Panchayat* representatives to share their experience;
   - *100+ Exhibitors* giving LIVE demos of their innovations in 15
   dedicated Pavilions.

A copy of the tentative agenda is enclosed for your perusal. For any
registration related query, please drop us a mail at
manthanaward at defindia.net.

We look forward to see you there.

Thanks and Regards

The Manthan Award Team
[image: www.manthanaward.org] <http://www.manthanaward.org>
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