[liberationtech] Someone using hyperboria.net ?

macbroadcast marc at let.de
Tue Nov 12 12:46:47 PST 2013

hello list ,

i stumbled over #cjdns a couple of days ago and i installed it on ubuntu 
inside a virtualbox on my pc.
Now i am looking for peers an some advice.;) 

I would like to use my current webserver as a cjdns node  is this 
possible and how ?

Great article about  the pros and cons of similar mesh/peer2peer 
protocols and cjdns




Les enfants terribles / Marc Manthey
50823 Köln, germany
phone : 0049-221-29891489
Fingerprint: B045 9750 C2CB 06C3 3782 A264 A47F 3645 0E19 8512
Website: https://let.de
Twitter: https://twitter.com/macbroadcast
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