[liberationtech] liberation tech and Congress

Lorelei Kelly loreleikelly at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 12:04:00 PDT 2013

hi all,

Here at OTI, I'm spearheading an effort to find and cultivate 5-10 Members
of the House and Senate so that they will be
champions of open technology and other related policy issues. We'd like to
make them authoritative and confident to stand up for our priorities by
providing them with subject matter expertise and technical knowledge--the
idea is to create some key nodes on Capitol Hill that will educate the
institution over time.

Its not a lobbying effort, but a long term policy education effort.

Question: as a foreign policy wonk until recently, I'm not familiar with
the scorecards or vote rating guides that might be available on open
technology, Internet freedom, privacy, etc.  Is anyone doing this?

Also, does anybody have any recommendations for our list?  The individuals
don't have to be techies, though that is a bonus. We'd love to support
members who are wonks and thoughtful systems thinkers and reformers in
either party.


*Lorelei Kelly <http://newamerica.net/user/452>*
*check out our SmartCongress<https://www.newschallenge.org/open/open-government/submission/smartcongress.org/>pitch!
*read about Congress' Wicked
look at these cool maps about guns and
the Atlantic
*Open Technology Institute
New America Foundation

Tweeting @loreleikelly

cell: 202-487-7728
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