[liberationtech] Seeking Nominations for the 2013 ITP Outstanding Software Development and Learning Innovation Awards

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Mar 20 11:43:35 PDT 2013

From: Derrick L. Cogburn <dcogburn at american.edu>

It is my pleasure to write to you on behalf of the APSA ITP Section 
committee to select the Outstanding Software Development and Learning 
Innovation Awards for 2013.  These are two separate awards, and the 
committee and I encourage you to submit nominations (including self 
nominations) for either or both awards.  The 2013 committee consists of 
Ioannis Andreadis, Erdem Erkul, Cecilia Manrique, and myself (as chair). 
 We will include more information on the ITP website about deadlines and 
format for submission, but in the meantime, please start keeping an eye out 
for projects or initiatives you would like to nominate.


Dr. Derrick L. Cogburn
Associate Professor of International Relations
International Communication Program
Program Director: Masters of Comparative and International Disability 
Policy (CIDP)
School of International Service
American University

Executive Director
Center for Research on Collaboratories and
Technology Enhanced Learning Communities (COTELCO)
American University

Executive Director
Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP) for the ASEAN Region
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