[liberationtech] Special report on Internet surveillance, focusing on 5 governments and 5 companies
x z
xhzhang at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 11:08:55 PDT 2013
To be a bit more rigorous - the China FB/Twitter numbers are more like 100
times off, not 1000 times off as in my previous email.
A friend sends me this page
http://www.socialbakers.com/facebook-statistics/china which estimate
China's FB users to be 597K.
The analysis I mentioned in my previous
there are 18k users in China who tweeted in a 24-hour period. If we
multiply it by 20 (my unenlightened rule of thumb) we get 360k Twitter
users in China.
Sorry for my previous exaggeration.
2013/3/12 x z <xhzhang at gmail.com>
> Dear Gregoire!
> This is a great report!
> One correction. In the third paragraph, it misspelled the name of Zeng
> Jinyan (a well known Chinese dissident) as "Zeng Jinyang".
> There is one more serious error in the China report<http://surveillance.rsf.org/en/china/>.
> It says the following:
> Number of Facebook users has reached 63.5 million (an eight-fold increase
> in two years), Twitter users are now 35 million (a three-fold increase in
> three years).
> These numbers seem to be from a notorious globalwebindex.net report
> <http://globalwebindex.net/thinking/china-the-home-to-facebook-and-twitter/>and
> *they are off by three orders of magnitude*. A relevant rebuttal is here: There
> are not millions of Twitter users in China<http://blockedonweibo.tumblr.com/post/39828699303/there-are-not-millions-of-twitter-users-in-china>.
> A simple fix would be to change "m" to "k", :-).
> Thanks a lot!
> 2013/3/12 Grégoire Pouget <gregoire at rsf.org>
>> Dear LibTech,
>> Today, 12 March, World Day Against Cyber-Censorship, Reporters Without
>> Borders is releasing a Special report on Internet surveillance,
>> available at http://surveillance.rsf.org/en
>> For this year’s “Enemies of the Internet” report, Reporters Without
>> Borders has identified Five State Enemies of the Internet, five “spy”
>> states that conduct systematic online surveillance that results in
>> serious human rights violations. They are Syria, China, Iran, Bahrain
>> and Vietnam.
>> Without advanced technology, authoritarian regimes would not be able to
>> spy on their citizens. Reporters Without Borders has compiled a list of
>> five “Corporate Enemies of the Internet,” five private sector companies
>> that it regards as “digital era mercenaries” because they sell products
>> that are used by authoritarian governments to commit violations of human
>> rights and freedom of information. They are Gamma, Trovicor, Hacking
>> Team, Amesys and Blue Coat.
>> Any comment or feedback on this report is very welcome >>
>> http://surveillance.rsf.org/en
>> Best,
>> --
>> Grégoire Pouget,
>> New Media Desk // Bureau Nouveaux Médias
>> Reporters Without Borders // Reporters sans frontières
>> @fightcensors_en @fightcensors_fr
>> --
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