[liberationtech] Special report on Internet surveillance, focusing on 5 governments and 5 companies

x z xhzhang at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 09:45:39 PDT 2013

Dear Gregoire!

This is a great report!

One correction. In the third paragraph, it misspelled the name of Zeng
Jinyan (a well known Chinese dissident) as "Zeng Jinyang".

There is one more serious error in the China
It says the following:

Number of Facebook users has reached 63.5 million (an eight-fold increase
in two years), Twitter users are now 35 million (a three-fold increase in
three years).

These numbers seem to be from a notorious globalwebindex.net report
*they are off by three orders of magnitude*. A relevant rebuttal is here: There
are not millions of Twitter users in
A simple fix would be to change "m" to "k", :-).

Thanks a lot!

2013/3/12 Grégoire Pouget <gregoire at rsf.org>

> Dear LibTech,
> Today, 12 March, World Day Against Cyber-Censorship, Reporters Without
> Borders is releasing a Special report on Internet surveillance,
> available at http://surveillance.rsf.org/en
> For this year’s “Enemies of the Internet” report, Reporters Without
> Borders has identified Five State Enemies of the Internet, five “spy”
> states that conduct systematic online surveillance that results in
> serious human rights violations. They are Syria, China, Iran, Bahrain
> and Vietnam.
> Without advanced technology, authoritarian regimes would not be able to
> spy on their citizens. Reporters Without Borders has compiled a list of
> five “Corporate Enemies of the Internet,” five private sector companies
> that it regards as “digital era mercenaries” because they sell products
> that are used by authoritarian governments to commit violations of human
> rights and freedom of information. They are Gamma, Trovicor, Hacking
> Team, Amesys and Blue Coat.
> Any comment or feedback on this report is very welcome >>
> http://surveillance.rsf.org/en
> Best,
> --
> Grégoire Pouget,
> New Media Desk // Bureau Nouveaux Médias
> Reporters Without Borders // Reporters sans frontières
> @fightcensors_en @fightcensors_fr
> --
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