[liberationtech] The Pirate Bay moving to North Korea, really ?

Amin Sabeti aminsabeti at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 02:24:06 PST 2013

See the update 3:

On 5 March 2013 10:12, Olivier Tesquet <olivier.tesquet at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Libtechers,
> I was wondering what your thoughts were on this (so far a) rumor that The
> Pirate Bay has moved its servers to Democratic Peoples Republic of North
> Korea. It was first evoked by Rick Falkvinge yesterday, followed by a TPB
> statement ironically signed "Kim Jung-Bay", while the logo was revamped :
> http://falkvinge.net/2013/03/04/after-being-cut-from-norway-the-pirate-bay-returns-from-north-korea/
> https://thepiratebay.se/blog/229
> Now, unsurprisingly, some people are claiming it's a well executed fake
> using a BGP stunt, even though a traceroute actually lead to North Korea
> sole ISP, Star-KP :
> https://rdns.im/the-pirate-bay-north-korean-hosting-no-its-fake
> So far, I can't really tell what's the idea behind such a move, except the
> fact it's hard to assess (does North Korea even have broadband in
> sufficient proportions to host TPB ? I doubt so). The TPB as a history in
> cat-and-mouse game, as their shift from a .com to a .se domain name a few
> days after the MegaUpload raid proved. But now ? When DPRK meets the
> Internet, I can't help but thinking about 4chan pranks and Eric Schmidt
> looking at Kim Jong-Un looking at things.
> wdyt ?
> --
> Olivier Tesquet
> Reporter Médias/Net @ Télérama
> +33 (0)6 47 82 05 71
> +33 (0)1 55 30 56 51
> twitter.com/oliviertesquet
> --
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