[liberationtech] The Pirate Bay moving to North Korea, really ?

Olivier Tesquet olivier.tesquet at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 02:12:54 PST 2013

Dear Libtechers,

I was wondering what your thoughts were on this (so far a) rumor that The
Pirate Bay has moved its servers to Democratic Peoples Republic of North
Korea. It was first evoked by Rick Falkvinge yesterday, followed by a TPB
statement ironically signed "Kim Jung-Bay", while the logo was revamped :


Now, unsurprisingly, some people are claiming it's a well executed fake
using a BGP stunt, even though a traceroute actually lead to North Korea
sole ISP, Star-KP :


So far, I can't really tell what's the idea behind such a move, except the
fact it's hard to assess (does North Korea even have broadband in
sufficient proportions to host TPB ? I doubt so). The TPB as a history in
cat-and-mouse game, as their shift from a .com to a .se domain name a few
days after the MegaUpload raid proved. But now ? When DPRK meets the
Internet, I can't help but thinking about 4chan pranks and Eric Schmidt
looking at Kim Jong-Un looking at things.

wdyt ?

Olivier Tesquet
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