[liberationtech] Designing the best network infrastructure for a Human Rights NGO

drone_guinness1 borgnet borgbox.drone.guinness1 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 1 10:57:50 PST 2013

... maybe some1 should create a NGO of a NGO distributed dn, multi access
distribution of nodes with some magiks routing and system/services
monitoring, all offered to NGOs... NGO professional services NGO.

more junk, sry :D

"balloons & ducks & stuffs"

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 1:14 PM, Rich Kulawiec <rsk at gsp.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 08:35:14PM +0000, anonymous2013 at nym.hush.comwrote:
> > Most of what I have gotten so far are lectures and rhetoric.
> I'm not sure what else you expected.  (Really, I'm not.)
> You didn't explain what you're trying to do.  You showed up with
> a list of middling-to-hideously-poor technology choices looking not
> for design review or critiques, but vetting of your choices even
> though you didn't provide any rationale for them.
> And yet you got some very sound advice, like "Don't use Windows".
> You just don't happen to like it.  Okay, fine.  Then don't take it.
> Do whatever you want: you don't need our individual or collective
> approval.  (Although y'know...if I said "I'm gonna do X" here and
> several people told me that was a bad idea, that would give
> me serious reason to back off and reconsider at length.)
> If you actually want serious advice, then take a serious approach:
> explain *in detail* what you're trying to build.  Infrastructure?
> Desktops?  Laptops?  Portables?  What are the functions you're
> trying to provide?  What's your budget?  What are your personnel
> resources?  What is the scale of deployment?  What's the scope?
> What's the threat model look like?   And so on.
> ---rsk
> --
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