[liberationtech] Designing the best network infrastructure for a Human Rights NGO

Rich Kulawiec rsk at gsp.org
Fri Mar 1 10:14:55 PST 2013

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 08:35:14PM +0000, anonymous2013 at nym.hush.com wrote:
> Most of what I have gotten so far are lectures and rhetoric.

I'm not sure what else you expected.  (Really, I'm not.)

You didn't explain what you're trying to do.  You showed up with
a list of middling-to-hideously-poor technology choices looking not
for design review or critiques, but vetting of your choices even
though you didn't provide any rationale for them. 

And yet you got some very sound advice, like "Don't use Windows".
You just don't happen to like it.  Okay, fine.  Then don't take it.
Do whatever you want: you don't need our individual or collective
approval.  (Although y'know...if I said "I'm gonna do X" here and
several people told me that was a bad idea, that would give
me serious reason to back off and reconsider at length.)

If you actually want serious advice, then take a serious approach:
explain *in detail* what you're trying to build.  Infrastructure?
Desktops?  Laptops?  Portables?  What are the functions you're
trying to provide?  What's your budget?  What are your personnel
resources?  What is the scale of deployment?  What's the scope?
What's the threat model look like?   And so on.


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