[liberationtech] PGP is hard to use and needs stuff installed on your computer. Use PassLok instead.

Francisco Ruiz ruiz at iit.edu
Fri Jul 26 13:42:02 PDT 2013

Scenario: you, Alice, realize you're under NSA surveillance. You need to
get a crucial bit of information to your friend Bob, right away.
You've been using PGP, but now you suspect the NSA may have installed a bug
on your machine. Your keystrokes are being recorded.

What can you do? Use PassLok instead.

I wrote PassLok with three guiding principles in mind:
1. Absolutely nothing should be installed or even written in the computer.
Alice should be able to go to the local library or borrow someone else's
smartphone, and leave no traces behind.
2. Best security available. No compromises.
3. Graphical interface. Only one screen, as clean as possible.

Therefore, PassLok is written entirely in javascript. Once you load the
page at https://passlok.site44.com (http://passlok.com redirects you
there), you can save the file and you have PassLok even offline. You can
view the source and convince yourself that it is not connecting with any
server. If you know some cryptography, you can see that it is using the
well-known SJCL routines for AES encryption/decryption and elliptic curve
functions. Since the elliptic curves implemented in the current version of
SJCL only go up to the 384-bit NIST curve, I added the 521-bit NIST curve
(equivalent to a 15000-bit RSA key in predicted security) so that PassLok
uses that as a default. Even at 521 bits, the public keys are small, as you
can see from my lock (public key) below.

PassLok performs public-key cryptography using the Diffie-Hellman key
exchange rather than RSA, so you can use whatever secret key you want.
Hopefully something that is both very hard to guess and easy to remember,
so you never have to write it down. PassLok will help you to come up with a
strong key, but won't force you in any way.

PassLok can sign and verify signatures, too (many PGP implementations, such
as Mailvelope, cannot), and can also include a second secret message under
a separate key, to beat the "rubberhose attack." If you are not sure about
the authenticity of something, PassLock can make a short ID that you can
read over the phone. All of it from a single screen.

I want people to use PassLok and uncover any bugs it might still have,
before I move on to a Gmail plugin based on its engine. I believe it is
already very secure and easy to use by those who know a little
cryptography. Hopefully the metaphor used throughout PassLok, about locks
and keys rather than private/public key pairs, will also make it usable by

I'll appreciate any feedback you can give me. The link is repeated at the


Francisco Ruiz
Associate Professor
MMAE department
Illinois Institute of Technology

my PassLok lock:


get the PassLok privacy app at: http://passlok.com
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