[liberationtech] Cellular & ISP companies in Egypt suspend regcharging service?

Rayna rayna.st at gmail.com
Fri Jul 26 13:26:02 PDT 2013

Hi Walid -

My contacts in Egypt haven't heard about such a thing. May you point to the
websites you mention?

Thank you

2013/7/26 Walid AL-SAQAF <admin at alkasir.com>

> Hi all,
> It has been reported on some websites that cellular carriers  and ISPs in
> Egypt no longer provide credit to recharge accounts for Internet and GSM
> access. Can anyone in Egypt or those with contacts there confirm this?
> The current military rule may want to limit access to the net in this way
> rather than cut access totally as done by Mubarak in 2011. Egypt is
> expected to have massive rallies and potential violence in the coming days
> so Internet access is key to get the truth out.
> Walid
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