[liberationtech] StoryMaker - opinions

Bill Best bill.best at commedia.org.uk
Thu Jul 25 01:00:36 PDT 2013

Many thanks Brian and Nathan for your detailed replies.

I look forward to using StoryMaker and I'll keep up with news about the app.

Good luck with the rest of the project and all the best for now

Community Media Association

Canstream Internet Radio & Video

On 25 July 2013 07:10, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv> wrote:

> Hi Bill!
> Thanks for your interest, comments below.
> <snip>
> >
> > https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=info.guardianproject.mrapp
> >
> > The app is open source (+1) and the developers behind it include Free
> Press Unlimited, The Guardian Project and Small World News so its
> provenance is indeed sound.
> Thanks Bill! We all know its a huge challenge but we are trying hard to
> achieve it. Nathan has already done a fantastic job explaining the
> technical details, so I only have a few additional comments, but I'm happy
> to speak with you directly, or any other member of the list who would like
> to know more.
> Firstly we can say that our partners reach approached the problem from a
> slightly different direction. We at Small World News come from a background
> working primarily in conflict areas and wanted to find a way to increase
> the safety of citizen journalists while also improving the impact their
> content can make by increasing their professionalism and capacity to tell
> stories.
> I hope Niels from Free Press Unlimited will chime in, but I can say
> without their focus on increasing the potential for mobile learning to
> improve the skills of journalists, the learning and curriculum side of the
> app would not be what it is.
> >
> > The StoryMaker literature mentions a number of times that the app is to
> be used for "safely reporting and sharing stories" and I wonder how this
> has been substantiated - with particular regard to the fact that it is
> expected that this app will facilitate free journalism in the (hopefully)
> emerging democracies of the Middle East:
> >
> >
> https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/article/safely-reporting-and-sharing-stories-new-app
> As Nathan mentioned he has been deeply involved in planning the security
> functionality, workflow, threat model, etc.
> Additionally, the system for delivering lessons utilizes SSL certificate
> pinning to counter MITM attacks and limit the necessity for activists and
> journalism trainees to carry hard copies and insecure manuals. Eventually
> this content should exist entirely in an encrypted container.
> > It would be interesting/useful to know how StoryMaker can offer to
> protect a user's safety or, as no absolute guarantees can ever be made, up
> to what degree of security can be expected from this app. So far, I have
> found a short reference to users "are able to send data from their
> smartphone through the Tor network making it difficult to trace".
> As Nathan has mentioned, there are a number of elements already
> functioning as part of StoryMaker and by next month we will have a new
> release that integrates obscuracam functionality and hopefully records
> content directly in an encrypted fashion.
> We are also pursuing funding to develop the potential for users to publish
> to additional platforms over tor via their public API, and including an
> option for uploading via tor to a private server.
> >
> > StoryMaker looks an excellent app and we are looking at its use by
> citizen journalists.
> I hope you like it! So far its being treated and implemented in Iraq,
> Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Zimbabwe. We are pursuing some
> additional opportunities as well, and clearly need to start blogging more
> regularly about the projects progress.
> Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have other questions or know
> individuals who might like further information or support deploying
> StoryMaker in their projects.
> Thanks do much for the interest!!
> Brian
> >
> > Many thanks and best regards
> >
> > Bill
> > --
> > Community Media Association
> > http://www.commedia.org.uk/
> > http://twitter.com/community_media
> >
> > Canstream Internet Radio & Video
> > http://www.canstream.co.uk/
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