[liberationtech] liberationtech Digest, Vol 165, Issue 1

L Jean Camp ljcamp at indiana.edu
Wed Jul 24 11:20:40 PDT 2013

On Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 1:43 PM,
<liberationtech-request at lists.stanford.edu>wrote:

>   "Journalists should not be at legal risk for doing their jobs. Our
> focus must be on those who break the law," Obama said during a May 23
> address after those scandals first surfaced.

 I believe that the journalists' two-pronged failure (protecting alignment
with Cheney's leaks and also epic failure at protecting anyone who does not
meet the David Brooks definition of journalist) made this very likely.

That Obama would someday say this about computer scientists or free speech
activists who do not have a corporate partner in the new business is
perhaps beyond reasonable hope.

>   With Friday's ruling, the appeals court weighed whether or not an
> established precedent would prevent Risen from being asked to disclose
> the source of his information, but Traxler said, ?so long as the
> subpoena is issued in good faith and is based on a legitimate need of
> law enforcement, the government need not make any special showing to
> obtain evidence of criminal conduct from a reporter in a criminal
> proceeding.
> The one thing that links  Aaron Swartz, Marissa Alexander, the failure to
initially charge Zimmerman AND THIS is the shift of trust from judges to

Prosecutorial discretion is an oxymoron.

Prof. L. Jean Camp
Net Trust
Economics of Security
Congressional Fellow
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