[liberationtech] ENGAGE Open data community

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Tue Jul 23 10:24:51 PDT 2013

PSI? CP? CSA? What are these?

On 23 July 2013 18:22, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> From: Marijn Janssen <M.F.W.H.A.Janssen at tudelft.nl>
> You are kindly invited to join the ENGAGE community, which is a growing
> community of researchers, developers, civil servants journalists,
> entrepreneurs, archivists, librarians and citizens who have professional or
> personal interest in Open Data and PSI.
> Feel free to search through thousands of datasets and view, download,
> visualise any of them. You may also go through a simple registration process
> and gain access to more value-added services, such as requesting, submitting
> or extending a dataset.
> Help ENGAGE to become a social and collaborative space with significant
> impact on the way Open Data and PSI is published and re-used.
> To visit the ENGAGE platform go to: http://www.engagedata.eu
> Your feedback is always welcome and highly appreciated.
> Thank you!
> Follow us on:
> Twitter: @engage_eu
> Facebook: engage.project
> ENGAGE is a combination of CP & CSA project funded under the European
> Commission FP7 Programme.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> A.M.G. (Anneke) Zuiderwijk - van Eijk
> Researcher
> TU Delft
> Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Building 31 Jaffalaan 5
> 2628 BX  Delft
> The Netherlands
> T +31 (0)15 27 86471
> E a.m.g.zuiderwijk-vaneijk at tudelft.nl
> W
> http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/over-faculteit/afdelingen/iss/sectie-ict/medewerkers/anneke-zuiderwijk-van-eijk/
> --
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