[liberationtech] ENGAGE Open data community

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 23 10:22:11 PDT 2013

From: Marijn Janssen <M.F.W.H.A.Janssen at tudelft.nl>

You are kindly invited to join the ENGAGE community, which is a growing
community of researchers, developers, civil servants journalists,
entrepreneurs, archivists, librarians and citizens who have professional or
personal interest in Open Data and PSI.

Feel free to search through thousands of datasets and view, download,
visualise any of them. You may also go through a simple registration
process and gain access to more value-added services, such as requesting,
submitting or extending a dataset.

Help ENGAGE to become a social and collaborative space with significant
impact on the way Open Data and PSI is published and re-used.

To visit the ENGAGE platform go to: http://www.engagedata.eu

Your feedback is always welcome and highly appreciated.

Thank you!

Follow us on:
Twitter: @engage_eu
Facebook: engage.project

ENGAGE is a combination of CP & CSA project funded under the European
Commission FP7 Programme.

A.M.G. (Anneke) Zuiderwijk - van Eijk

TU Delft
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Building 31 Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX  Delft
The Netherlands

T +31 (0)15 27 86471
E a.m.g.zuiderwijk-vaneijk at tudelft.nl
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