[liberationtech] seeking open wireless projects
Ruben Pollan
meskio at sindominio.net
Mon Jul 22 05:44:32 PDT 2013
Quoting Dan Auerbach (2013-07-19 23:44:13)
> We at EFF are writing up a taxonomy of existing "open wireless"
> commercial or non-commercial projects that have launched and would love
> input from folks on this list. So far we are looking at:
> Fon - http://corp.fon.com/
> Comcast -
> http://corporate.comcast.com/news-information/news-feed/comcast-unveils-plans-for-millions-of-xfinity-wifi-hotspots-through-its-home-based-neighborhood-hotspot-initiative-2
> Karma - https://yourkarma.com/
> Ruckus - http://www.ruckuswireless.com/
> KeyWifi - is this project still active?
> We're sure there are many more, and wanted to see if people here could
> help by pointing us towards launched projects to add to the list. It's
> hard to draw a bright line between what counts as a "launched project"
> vs, say, a technical solution. For example, we don't want to include a
> protocol like EAP-SIM or firmware that has optional open wireless as a
> launched project, but firmware that ships with "default on" guest
> networking might qualify. Any suggestions you have are great so don't
> hesitate to let us know about any cool thing related to open wireless,
> just please don't be offended if we decide not to categorize it as a
> launched project.
> Our goal is NOT to promote these solutions, but rather just to give an
> idea of what's out there, what desirable properties each offering has,
> and what properties it lacks. For example, we think decentralized
> solutions that have no captive portals or authentication and are
> universally available are preferred. We do not want to get into a
> discussion of the security properties of open wireless, or any
> discussion about the merits of one solution vs another -- we are simply
> seeking information on what is out there.
In spain there is guifi.net with over 20000 working nodes, covering hundreds of
kilometers[0]. It's an open network, with a lot of small companies and
individuals participating on it. The only requirement to join it is to comply
the Wireless Commons License[1].
If you want more information about it just ask.
[0] https://guifi.net/en/node/17711/view/map
[1] https://guifi.net/en/WCL_EN
Rubén Pollán | http://meskio.net/
Nos vamos a Croatan.
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