[liberationtech] seeking open wireless projects

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Sun Jul 21 12:13:56 PDT 2013

On 07/19/2013 05:44 PM, Dan Auerbach wrote:
> We're sure there are many more, and wanted to see if people here could
> help by pointing us towards launched projects to add to the list. It's
> hard to draw a bright line between what counts as a "launched project"
> vs, say, a technical solution. For example, we don't want to include a
> protocol like EAP-SIM or firmware that has optional open wireless as a
> launched project, but firmware that ships with "default on" guest
> networking might qualify. Any suggestions you have are great so don't
> hesitate to let us know about any cool thing related to open wireless,
> just please don't be offended if we decide not to categorize it as a
> launched project.
Hi Dan,

  Have you checked out Commotion?  While it's a software project, there
are active networks in Philadelphia, Detroit, New York, and elsewhere.  

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