[liberationtech] Bring some UX/UI help to open secure apps

Ben Laurie ben at links.org
Sun Jul 14 08:03:17 PDT 2013

On 13 July 2013 20:42, Travis McCrea <me at travismccrea.com> wrote:
> I have talked about this in the past, we need to make things look nice
> otherwise they are not going to be used and they lose their security
> advantages. I will give a case and point, I recently revoked my old GPG key
> because it's been active for over a year and I know that my computer has
> been out of my sight with customs agents a lot lately. I haven't generated a
> new key because then I have to open up a terminal and go through the process
> of making a key and then saving my key, etc.
> If I had a mail client with GPG integrated told me "hey your key is a year
> old! do you want to have it recreated?" I could click yes, and have the GUI
> guide me through key creation, it would update all my mail settings and key
> servers and life would be good.
> Because it doesn't do that, I have been not signing my emails for a week or
> so now waiting to "get around" to setting it up.
> I use Skype instead of Jitsi, and honestly when I need to have a conference
> with someone I tell them "you should just download Skype", I don't want to
> have to guide them through a program that was clearly developed by engineer
> brained people
> TL;DR - Shiny things make me use the product more, if someone creates a
> crowd sourcing campaign for designers I would contribute.


> On 2013-07-13, at 2:43 PM, Jerzy Łogiewa wrote:
> Jitsi
> --
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