[liberationtech] Bring some UX/UI help to open secure apps

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 13:16:45 PDT 2013

Usability is certainly one of the most neglected security properties of
almost every software.  Jitsi is pretty dang good from a security
standpoint, but fails miserably from a usability perspective.  This is not
an insurmountable problem.  Even GPG4win has problems with user

When people wonder out loud how something like Skype can dominate the
market in spite of one of the worst security records, the answer is that
they make it so easy to use that it becomes the obvious choice.  People use
it, like it, recommend it to friends. The network effect dominates software

For projects with funding, there is no excuse for bad user experience.
Failing to make graphics and usability a funding priority will absolutely
make it harder to find and keep active users.
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