[liberationtech] Bring some UX/UI help to open secure apps

Jerzy Łogiewa jerzyma at interia.eu
Sat Jul 13 11:43:31 PDT 2013


There are some talks here about new Heml.is. Let us be real: The messenger is one of many like it and without full source we cannot trust! But many have made this true point that looks and design matter.

So, I propose crowdfund of UX and UI man salary for this apps:

* Jitsi (many nice features but needs many helps for UI)
* Pidgin + OTR plugin (maybe a new installer?)
* RedPhone
* TextSecure

I would like to recommend for example Jitsi to grandma, but it is now a bad experience for even me.

So why not crowdfund the help? When secure versions are not used because they are so-called ugly, there is a total waste of possibilities!

Has it ever tried before?

Jerzy Łogiewa -- jerzyma at interia.eu

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