[liberationtech] Report / Minutes of the Transnational Online Forum - How can we connect now our struggles and squares to create a global change? 27 June 2013

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Jul 6 09:41:23 PDT 2013

On Jul 3 2013, at 3:26 PM, "Orsan Senalp" <orsan1234 at gmail.com> wrote:

Around 75-80 activists participated to the online forum held on 27 June
2013. Participants were from:

   - 15M Madrid, Barcelona, Spain,
   - Occupy London UK,
   - Grenoble France,
   - Bielefeld Germany,
   - Netherlands
   - Finland
   - Australia
   - Quebec
   - Istanbul, Turkey
   - Tblisi, Georgia,
   - France
   - Italy
   - Vancouver Canada
   - Brasil
   - Germany
   - Florida San Francisco USA
   - Czech Republic
   - Iran
   - Vienna, Austria
   - Lecce, Italy
   - Rome, Italy
   - Ireland

   You can find the minutes and the working document coming out of the
   forum in the attachment.

   Besides, in this collaborative pad we are collectively collecting a
   calendar with action calls: http://titanpad.com/internationalcallXactions

   Feel free to add what's missed and propose a different way of building
   a collective map where we could easily upload different calls

   And this pad was formed: http://titanpad.com/stoprepression to build a
   call against repression, please collaborate.

   The date of the next Forum according to the Doodle we called for is
   Tuesday 16 July 2013, at 18.00 GMT+01 (London time).

   There will soon be the call for this second forum circulated.

   In solidarity!

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