[liberationtech] Man-in-the-middle attack on GitHub in China

Eric S Johnson crates at oneotaslopes.org
Wed Jan 30 03:36:59 PST 2013

> He didn't know anything about censorship, nor about the great firewall.

I would second Martin. I'd estimate that
	50% of China's 500M+ netizens don't know about the GFW
	half the rest (25%) don't care
	half the rest care, but aren't sure what they're missing.
The remaining 10%+ care, and know what they're missing, and at least
occasionally cybercircumvent.

But these are guesses just like Martin's and Bert's. That I know of, the
only hard data comes from polls done by the CASS, the most recent of which
(that I have) are several years old.


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