[liberationtech] Reminder of Various Stanford Liberationtech Lists
Yosem Companys
ycompanys at gmail.com
Mon Feb 25 12:18:47 PST 2013
Hi All,
Just want to remind everyone that there are a few Stanford liberationtech
- *Liberationtech*, the main list of which you are probably already a
member: https://mailman.stanford.edu/mailman/listinfo/liberationtech
- *Liberationtech Events*, announces great liberationtech-related events
like the one below, whether at Stanford or elsewhere:
- *Liberationtech Jobs*, announces Liberationtech-related job
- *Drones*, a discussion list focused entirely on drones:
Feel free to join as many (or as few) as you'd like. Also, if you have any
trouble managing your list options, such as setting digest mode or other
things, please let me know.
Yosem, one of your lists' moderators :)
From: U.S. Institute of Peace <newsletters at usip.org>
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[image: United States Institute of
as Global Diplomat:
Media that Moves
February 28, 2013, 8:30am-4:00pm ET
U.S. Institute of Peace
2301 Constitution Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20037 |
Please read: Important information for guests attending public events at
RSVP HERE<http://click.newsletters.usip.org/?qs=1f2b06b9e4148bf3829424a1730a5b806f507f45c2c8b61475a9777ff3a2b169>to
this event
RSVP HERE<http://click.newsletters.usip.org/?qs=1f2b06b9e4148bf3c88313c0111aa0551924bd8b43079e726a25ed6cd340e4c9>to
watchthe livestream
Sponsored by USIP and the Independent Television Service (ITVS), the Media
as Global Diplomat series of summits has highlighted the changing role of
today's media in public diplomacy and peacebuilding since 2009. This year's
summit, *Media that Moves Millions *, will look at the unprecedented
phenomena of user-generated media campaigns that have inspired masses of
participants and rocked political systems. The first part of the event will
feature activists from such campaigns as We Are All Khaled Said, Half the
Sky, Kony 2012 and A Million Voices Against the FARC, as we seek to better
understand why they were able to mobilize civil society so successfully.
The second portion of the day will offer hands-on instruction by experts
from Facebook, Twitter, Text Haiti 9099 and Indiegogo to individuals and
organizations alike seeking to use the ever-expanding toolkit of media for
social change and peacebuilding.
*Livestream: *PBS NewsHour correspondent Hari Sreenivasan will be hosting
the livestream broadcast on-site. In addition to watching the panels live,
in real-time - Hari will be answering questions from bloggers and citizen
journalists from around the world and providing a behind-the-scenes account
of the event (Hashtag: *#GlobalDiplomat*).
Speakers include:
*Nicholas Kristof*
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and op-ed columnist
Alec Ross*
Senior Adviser for Innovation, U.S. Department of State
*Clay Shirky*
Best-selling Author and NYU Professor
*Frank Sesno*
Director, School of Media and Public Affairs at GWU
* Ben Keesey
*Executive Director, CEO of Invisible Children
*Oscar Morales
*Creator, One Million Voices Against the FARC
Patricia Harrison*
President, CEO of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
Hari Sreenivasan*
PBS NewsHour correspondent
Please contact Christine Mosher at 202-429-4166 or
cmosher at usip.org<cmosher at usip.org?subject=%5BEvent%20Inquiry%5D%20Exchange2.0>with
any general questions about this event.
Journalists should contact Steven Ruder at
sruder at usip.org<sruder at usip.org?subject=Event%20Media%20Inquiry>or
Allison Sturma at
asturma at usip.org <asturma at usip.org?subject=Event%20Media%20Inquiry>.
Sign Up
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have received this message because you have expressed interest in the U.S.
Institute of Peace. To continue to receive event notifications, please sign
Events Weekly, an e-mail sent each Monday with upcoming events,
highlights from past events, and links to feature stories and multimedia
from USIP's public programming.
*Interact with USIP*
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