[liberationtech] NYTimes: How Mexico Got Back In The Game

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Feb 25 11:51:26 PST 2013

*From: *Patrick Kane Zambrano [pkanez at gmail.com]

I want to share a short article from the NYTimes.  Last week I had great 
pleasure and fortune to speak with Thomas Friedman in a round table 
discussion on Mexico’s past, present and future. 

Today, Thomas Friedman’s NYTimes column “How Mexico Got Back In The Game”<http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/opinion/sunday/friedman-how-mexico-got-back-in-the-game.html?hpw&_r=0> makes 
note of Mexico’s progress amidst the challenges it has confronted in years 
past – opening of its markets, global economic downturn and drug violence – 
Mexico emerges resilient and well poised for growth for years to come.  

Tom also makes reference to work I, along with a dedicated group of folks 
in Monterrey, have been pushing hard on at CIC.MX <http://www.cic.mx> – 
leveraging technology to enable citizen participation and collaboration 
with government. It's a hyper-connected world we live in today (e.g., 
ubiquitous connectivity, proliferated access to affordable computing – 
cloud and mobile).  It is fertile ground for innovation and an opportune 
moment for re-imagining every aspect of the world we live in... all that is 
needed is to step in and shape it.  

Exciting times lie ahead.  I hope you enjoy the article!



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