[liberationtech] Skype Open Letter: Launch Date!
Paul Bernal (LAW)
Paul.Bernal at uea.ac.uk
Wed Feb 13 02:56:40 PST 2013
Dear All
Just to let you know, I've just been interviewed by a man from the NYT/IHT (European office) about the Skype Open Letter - he'll be writing a piece in a week to ten days. I hope I said the right kind of thing…
Dr Paul Bernal
UEA Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Norwich NR4 7TJ
email: paul.bernal at uea.ac.uk<mailto:paul.bernal at uea.ac.uk>
Web: http://www.paulbernal.co.uk/
Blog: http://paulbernal.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @paulbernalUK
On 26 Jan 2013, at 09:16, francesca bosco <bosco_francesca at hotmail.com<mailto:bosco_francesca at hotmail.com>> wrote:
Well done Fabio and we, as Tech and Law Center, are very happy to help in supporting these initiatives.
Il giorno 26/gen/2013, alle ore 09:41, "Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)" <lists at infosecurity.ch<mailto:lists at infosecurity.ch>> ha scritto:
Cool, this kind of media action cooperation worked very well.
In Italy (and in Italian) we made a press-release of Hermes Center ( http://logioshermes.org<http://logioshermes.org/> ) and broadcasted it to +50 journalists working on internet-stuff and to all the major organization active on internet privacy, digital rights and consumer protection.
Now we got coverage on the following media sites, and it started a debate on the topic in several groups and areas:
* http://www.corriere.it/tecnologia/social/13_gennaio_25/skype-privacy-lettera_705a794e-6704-11e2-95de-416ea2b54ab7.shtml
* http://affaritaliani.libero.it/mediatech/skype-microsoft250113.html
* http://www.corrierecomunicazioni.it/it-world/19251_skype-attivisti-in-campo-chi-accede-ai-nostri-dati.htm
* http://www.federicoguerrini.com/privacy/lettera-aperta-a-skype-quanto-sono-private-le-conversazioni/
* http://www.bitmat.it/articolo/0000095720/48/20/Skype_spia_le_nostre_conversazioni.html
* http://www.ilsoftware.it/articoli.asp?tag=Privacy-e-Skype-la-lettera-aperta-indirizzata-a-Microsoft_9567
* http://sportelloconsumatori.org/blog/2013/01/25/lettera-aperta-a-skype-quanto-sono-sicure-le-nostre-conversazioni/
* http://geeklino.com/2013/01/25/lettera-aperta-a-skype-spieghi-se-sono-sicure-le-conversazioni-degli-utenti/
Let's do it again :-)
On 1/25/13 4:42 PM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
What a great success, everyone! Congratulations! :-)
More media coverage ( 31 news sources so far, discounting Reddit and Hacker News!)
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Paul Bernal (LAW) <Paul.Bernal at uea.ac.uk<mailto:Paul.Bernal at uea.ac.uk>> wrote:
It's on the BBC website too:
Dr Paul Bernal
UEA Law School
University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
Norwich NR4 7TJ
email: paul.bernal at uea.ac.uk<mailto:paul.bernal at uea.ac.uk>
Web: http://www.paulbernal.co.uk/
Blog: http://paulbernal.wordpress.com/
Twitter: @paulbernalUK
On 25 Jan 2013, at 14:38, Russell Brandom <russell.brandom at gmail.com<mailto:russell.brandom at gmail.com>>
Also on NPR's Marketplace Tech Report: http://www.marketplace.org/topics/tech/tweeting-videos-through-vine-should-skype-be-more-google (Starting at 1:40)
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Kelvin Quee (魏有豪) <kelvin at quee.org<mailto:kelvin at quee.org>> wrote:
Congratulations on making it to Slashdot! :)
Kelvin Quee (魏有豪)
+65 9177 3635<tel:%2B65%209177%203635>
gpg: AB3DB8AC
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Fran Parker <lilbambi at gmail.com<mailto:lilbambi at gmail.com>> wrote:
I couldn't get there with the link provided so searched for Skype on The Verge and got this link:
Martin Johnson wrote:
Martin Johnson
https://GreatFire.org<https://greatfire.org/> - Monitoring Online Censorship In China.
https://FreeWeibo.com<https://freeweibo.com/> - Uncensored, Anonymous Sina Weibo Search.
https://Unblock.cn.com<https://unblock.cn.com/> - We Can Unblock Your Website In China.
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 10:32 AM, Kate Krauss<katie at critpath.org<mailto:katie at critpath.org>> wrote:
First press hit:
Kate Krauss
Executive Director
AIDS Policy Project
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:31 PM, Martin Johnson<greatfire at greatfire.org<mailto:greatfire at greatfire.org>>wrote:
Thanks a lot Nadim! Great work! Now let's spread this widely and force
Microsoft to respond.
Martin Johnson
https://GreatFire.org<https://greatfire.org/> - Monitoring Online Censorship In China.
https://FreeWeibo.com<https://freeweibo.com/> - Uncensored, Anonymous Sina Weibo Search.
https://Unblock.cn.com<https://unblock.cn.com/> - We Can Unblock Your Website In China.
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Fran Parker<lilbambi at gmail.com<mailto:lilbambi at gmail.com>> wrote:
No worries, Nadim!
What a great job as noted earlier! Thanks!
Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
My mistake! We do not have an HTTPS version.
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:39 AM, Fran Parker<lilbambi at gmail.com<mailto:lilbambi at gmail.com>>
8:36 AM EST and https://skypeopenletter.com<https://skypeopenletter.com/> will not load. Times out.
However, http://www.skypeopenletter.<http://www.skypeopenletter./>****com/<http://www.<http://www./>**
skypeopenletter.com/<http://skypeopenletter.com/><http://www.skypeopenletter.com/>>loads fine.
https not working I guess.
Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
It's out, everyone!
On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Nadim Kobeissi<nadim at nadim.cc<mailto:nadim at nadim.cc>>
The Open Letter to Skype is launching *Thursday, January 23rd 2013
9:00AM Eastern Time.*
Thanks to everyone who helped, with special thanks to Eva Galperin
EFF. The petition will be available at:
Share widely! (Facebook and Twitter "Share" buttons will be embedded
the site at launch.)
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