[liberationtech] Deadline (Feb 15): ESA 2013 Conference, RN18 panel on "Communication, Crisis, Critique and Change"

christian.fuchs at uti.at christian.fuchs at uti.at
Wed Feb 13 02:56:24 PST 2013

Dear colleagues,

This is a brief reminder that the deadline for abstract submissions for the European Sociological Association's bi-annual conference is this Friday, February 15th.

Best, Christian Fuchs
Chair, ESA RN18: Sociology of Communications and Media Research


Deadline: February 15th

European Sociological Association
2013 Conference "Crisis, Critique and Change"
University of Torino, Italy
August 28-31, 2013

The ESA 2013 conference asks the overall questions:
What is behind the crisis? Which crisis is it? Whose critique is required? What changes are needed?

RN18 - Sociology of Communications and Media Research: Communication, Crisis, Critique and Change
Call for Abstracts

(click on panel titles for submission...)

ESA RN18 focuses in its conference stream on the discussion of how
crisis, critique and societal changes shape the study of media,
communication & society today. The overall questions we want to address are:

Which crises (including the financial and economic crisis of capitalism,
global wars and conflicts, ecological crisis, the crisis of democracy,
legitimation crisis, etc) are we experiencing today and how do they
influence media and communication in contemporary society?

What are the major changes of society, the media, and communication that
we are experiencing today?

What forms of political critique (political movements) and academic
critique (critical studies, critical media sociology, critical theory,
etc) are emerging today and are needed for interpreting and changing
media, communication and society?

ESA RN18 is calling for both general submissions on “Communication,
Crisis, Critique and Change” that address these questions as well as
more specific submissions that address a number of specific session topics.


01RN18 Capitalism, Communication, Crisis & Critique Today

02RN18 Communication, Crisis and Change in Europe

03RN18 Knowledge Labour in the Media and Communication Industries in
Times of Crisis

04RN18 Critical Social Theory and the Media: Studying Media,
Communication and Society Critically

05RN18 Sociology of Communications and Media Research (open)

Joint Sessions

06JS18 - Critical Political Economy of the Media and Communication in
Times of Capitalist Crisis and Change
Joint session with RN06 - Critical Political Economy
Chairs: Ian Bruff & Christian Fuchs

18JS29 - Social Theory and Media Sociology Today
Joint session with RN29 - Social Theory
Chairs: George Pleios and Csaba Szalo

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