[liberationtech] Guidelines For Emergency Revolution Technology Deployment?

Threedev zerothreedev at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 21:39:37 PST 2013

Greetings LibTech:

I was looking online for any information on what activists and
individuals can do in regards to technology deployment if there was
ever a sudden flareup in protests and mass chaos that could lead to
clashes with governments, or a similar situation like that. I was a
bit concerned about the lack of ideas or a guide that one could follow
if something were to happen. For example, if Israel were to go crazy
and attack the Gaza Strip again, would there be some sort of plan in
place in which groups could send encrypted communications technology
to Palestine quickly and efficiently?

I don't know if something like this already exists, or if this is
something that should be created, but I think something like this
should be made and drawn up if something like this hasn't been done yet.

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