[liberationtech] Help with Social Network Analysis in Tunisia?

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Sat Feb 9 10:15:32 PST 2013

From: intl2 <intl2 at securenym.net>


As you may have seen, Tunisia has challenges to its survival. Politically,
economically, socially, and in most other ways.   But, I love the
friendliness of the people and the many kindnesses they show towards me and
towards others.  They are really amazing friends to have!

I've been here for two years doing traditional pen-and-paper surveys of
young men about migration aspirations and intentions.  This was recently
supplemented by online surveys with Facebook and Twitter and other online
activities to better understand the social systems wrapped around the
migration-employment context.

Do you know anyone looking at Tunisia from a social network perspective,
especially looking at textual and narrative analysis of social media?

I would love to collaborate with someone to explore some of the social
networks that stabilize or destabilize in Tunisia.

My previous work in ethnic relations and migration seems to have given me
some ability to think about the issues here, but Tunisia would benefit a
lot from work by someone deeper into social network analysis.

I guess most of the work could be done remotely since mining & analyzing
facebook and twitter streams would be the main focus.

If you can suggest someone for me to contact, I will appreciate it very

Thank you for your kind attention,

Jon Gresham, PhD
Centre d'Etudes maghrebines a Tunis
Impasse Menabrea, 19 bis, rue d'Angleterre
Tunis-Hached TN 1049
Tel: 00216-55718481

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