[liberationtech] White House Petition - Deny Visas to Censors

dan jones hack at riseup.net
Sat Feb 9 06:58:50 PST 2013

Boarders are a shitty instrument of state-control that aims to prevent
communication and free movement of people - equivalent crime against
human freedom in my mind to censorship. Meanwhile, capital can cross
boarders at will. A foreigner can not sell their labour, but an
foreign-investor can sell their gold?

How about a petition to freeze the assets of any company involved in
internet censorship?

Now we are talking.

Tye, John N:
> Hi everyone,
> A petition on whitehouse.gov calls for the U.S. to deny visas to anyone working to advance internet censorship, e.g. the builders of the Great Firewall.  So far it has 8796 signatures - and needs 91,204 by February 24 before the White House will respond.
> https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/people-who-help-internet-censorship-builders-great-firewall-china-example-should-be-denied-entry-us/5bzJkjCL
> we petition the obama administration to:
> People who help internet censorship, builders of Great Firewall in China for example, should be denied entry to the U.S.
> People work on information technology always need to communicate and exchange knowledges between countries. If some of them use their skills and technology for blocking people to use internet for certain governments, all the other countries should boycott such behavior.
> If they apply to enter U.S., for example to attendant technology conference, as a responsible government has always valued freedom, it reasonable to deny it.
> Here is a list of scholars who are working on the GFW in China.
> https://gist.github.com/4635732
> __________
> John N. Tye
> Internet Freedom  | Office of Multilateral & Global Affairs (MLGA)
> Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor (DRL)  |  United States Department of State
> 202.647.3322
> --
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