[liberationtech] White House Petition - Deny Visas to Censors

Pranesh Prakash pranesh at cis-india.org
Sat Feb 9 04:14:53 PST 2013

Tye, John N [2013-01-29 21:48]:
> A petition on whitehouse.gov calls for the U.S. to deny visas to
> anyone working to advance internet censorship, e.g. the builders of
> the Great Firewall.  

I don't quite get the point of this.  Should other countries prevent
those responsible for the building of Room 614A[1] from being granted
visas?  Should employees of Narus and Verint and Pen-Link be prevented
from travelling at all?

While I am all for arguing that the issue of moral complicity cannot be
ignored ("it *is* my department"), I am not quite clear why visa-denial
is a useful response.

 [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A

Pranesh Prakash
Policy Director
Centre for Internet and Society
T: +91 80 40926283 | W: http://cis-india.org
PGP ID: 0x1D5C5F07 | Twitter: @pranesh_prakash

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