[liberationtech] Counterfeiting (primarily IP products), laundering, human rights (human trafficking/slavery), narcowar Mexico
Karl Fogel
kfogel at questioncopyright.org
Wed Dec 18 10:05:45 PST 2013
The use of the word "counterfeiting" to refer to unauthorized copying of
songs, software, movies, etc is a propaganda technique -- one we
shouldn't assist.
Counterfeiting is a good word for actual fakery, including (say)
currency fakery since that involves a fraudulent claim to possess assets
that one doesn't actually have. But this so-called "counterfeiting" of
copyright-restricted artifacts is not counterfeiting at all. It is
merely unauthorized copying. No fakery or fraud is going on -- unless
you replace the original authors' name with your own, of course, in
which case it's plagiarism.
A more detailed discussion of the issue is here:
Certain monopoly-based businesses, along with the governments who grant
their monopolies, want us to use the word "counterfeiting" to describe
unauthorized copying -- and they *love* it when we lump such copying
together with:
- money laundering
- human trafficking
- child porn
- other bad things :-)
ut this is fuzzy thinking that taints the fairly innocuous act of
unauthorized copying by associating it with unrelated things.
Unauthorized copying is not counterfeiting; it is merely unauthorized.
Douglas Lucas <dal at riseup.net> writes:
>Regarding narcowar in Mexico, you may find helpful my report at
>WhoWhatWhy on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special
>Operations Division seeking White House permission in 2010 to kill
>Sinaloa drug boss El Chapo. I used WikiLeaks documents from the
>Austin-based private intelligence firm Stratfor, and in conjunction with
>the article, WikiLeaks published new Stratfor emails. Stratfor had a DEA
>pilot and sometimes supervisor giving them information about drug
>cartels from a top-secret classified network. I interviewed him and also
>uncovered who Stratfor's clients for Mexico intelligence were.
>Later this month or next month at the latest, I will be publishing
>another long, in-depth Stratfor article on US national security policy
>in Mexico. It is a topic I've been researching for a year now. The
>concern is that big interests are pushing for Mexican drug lords to
>become terrorist targets.
>On 12/11/2013 08:48 AM, Lisa Brownlee wrote:
>> liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu <mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
>> Re. Counterfeiting (primarily IP products), laundering, human rights
>> (human trafficking/slavery), narcowar Mexico
>> Dear Libtech friends, Hello!
>> I am researching the above topics and would appreciate current research
>> in the field.
>> The International Anticounterfeiting Coalition held a conference on this
>> topic in 2000 in Monterey, Calif. that I attended, but I am getting no
>> response to my inquiries and would also appreciate current researc.
>> I would appreciate any intelligence, contacts, etc. you may have on this
>> topic.
>> Regards,
>> Lisa M. Brownlee
>> Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
>> --
>> --
>> Lisa M. Brownlee, Esq.
>> Mexico
>> Skype: lisa.m.brownlee
>> lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com <mailto:lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com>
>> lmbcontacts at yahoo.com <mailto:lmbcontacts at yahoo.com>
>> Author's website at West Thomson Reuters
>> <http://west.thomson.com/store/authorbio2.aspx?r=4889&product_id=15033039&aurec=2000017572Auth>
>> About my Law Journal Press treatise
>> <http://www.lawcatalog.com/product_detail.cfm?productID=15196&setlist=0&return=search_results&CFID=20088542&CFTOKEN=b6ddabf982b888e4-2F42CE2A-B3D2-E07B-503BCB3A910E5EEC>
>> Facebook: Lisa M Brownlee
>> <http://www.facebook.com/#%21/profile.php?id=1691642784&sk=info>
>> Author of:
>> Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions:
>> Investment, Risk Assessment and Management (West Thomson Reuters)
>> Assets & Finance: Audits and Valuation of Intellectual Property (West
>> Thomson Reuters)
>> Federal Acquisition Regulations: Intellectual Property and Related
>> Rights (Law Journal Press) - I retired this treatise - another author is
>> now updating it
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