[liberationtech] Counterfeiting (primarily IP products), laundering, human rights (human trafficking/slavery), narcowar Mexico
Douglas Lucas
dal at riseup.net
Thu Dec 12 15:35:39 PST 2013
Regarding narcowar in Mexico, you may find helpful my report at
WhoWhatWhy on the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special
Operations Division seeking White House permission in 2010 to kill
Sinaloa drug boss El Chapo. I used WikiLeaks documents from the
Austin-based private intelligence firm Stratfor, and in conjunction with
the article, WikiLeaks published new Stratfor emails. Stratfor had a DEA
pilot and sometimes supervisor giving them information about drug
cartels from a top-secret classified network. I interviewed him and also
uncovered who Stratfor's clients for Mexico intelligence were.
Later this month or next month at the latest, I will be publishing
another long, in-depth Stratfor article on US national security policy
in Mexico. It is a topic I've been researching for a year now. The
concern is that big interests are pushing for Mexican drug lords to
become terrorist targets.
On 12/11/2013 08:48 AM, Lisa Brownlee wrote:
> liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu <mailto:liberationtech at lists.stanford.edu>
> Re. Counterfeiting (primarily IP products), laundering, human rights
> (human trafficking/slavery), narcowar Mexico
> Dear Libtech friends, Hello!
> I am researching the above topics and would appreciate current research
> in the field.
> The International Anticounterfeiting Coalition held a conference on this
> topic in 2000 in Monterey, Calif. that I attended, but I am getting no
> response to my inquiries and would also appreciate current researc.
> I would appreciate any intelligence, contacts, etc. you may have on this
> topic.
> Regards,
> Lisa M. Brownlee
> Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
> --
> --
> Lisa M. Brownlee, Esq.
> Mexico
> Skype: lisa.m.brownlee
> lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com <mailto:lmbscholarly2 at gmail.com>
> lmbcontacts at yahoo.com <mailto:lmbcontacts at yahoo.com>
> Author's website at West Thomson Reuters
> <http://west.thomson.com/store/authorbio2.aspx?r=4889&product_id=15033039&aurec=2000017572Auth>
> About my Law Journal Press treatise
> <http://www.lawcatalog.com/product_detail.cfm?productID=15196&setlist=0&return=search_results&CFID=20088542&CFTOKEN=b6ddabf982b888e4-2F42CE2A-B3D2-E07B-503BCB3A910E5EEC>
> Facebook: Lisa M Brownlee
> <http://www.facebook.com/#%21/profile.php?id=1691642784&sk=info>
> Author of:
> Intellectual Property Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions:
> Investment, Risk Assessment and Management (West Thomson Reuters)
> Assets & Finance: Audits and Valuation of Intellectual Property (West
> Thomson Reuters)
> Federal Acquisition Regulations: Intellectual Property and Related
> Rights (Law Journal Press) - I retired this treatise - another author is
> now updating it
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