[liberationtech] Swedish press question: How does surveillance change the citizen's behavior?

Marcin de Kaminski marcin at dekaminski.se
Tue Dec 17 14:01:57 PST 2013

Thank you for your most kind words, Jessica. :)

Marcin de Kaminski
PhDc Sociology of Law, University of Lund
Lund University Internet Institute, Cybernorms Research Group
Personal homepage - www.dekaminski.se

Phone#: +46-(0)768 04 51 51

(Sent frpm my iPhbne.)

> 17 dec 2013 kl. 22:56 skrev "Jessica L. Beyer" <jlbeyer at uw.edu>:
> Dear Anders,
> You might look to the world of filesharing, e.g. the implementation of IPRED in Sweden (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7978853.stm). Måns Svensson and Stefan Larsson at Lund University have done some fantastic work on filesharing that have empirical findings related to surveillance.  For instance, they have a 2012 New Media and Society piece titled "Intellectual property law compliance in Europe: Illegal file sharing and the role of social norms" that looks at the implementation of IPRED. The piece is focused on the issue of social norms, but as a side finding shows changes in behavior. They have other work in this area as well - see the Cybernorms working group, http://cybernormer.se/about-us/
> I know the legality issues are different - but the underlying questions about what people do when they think they are being watched could be helpful.
> Best,
> Jessica
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Jessica L. Beyer, @jlbeyer
> http://www.beyergyre.com/jlbeyer/
> University of Washington
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Anders Thoresson <anders at thoresson.net> wrote:
>> I'm a swedish freelance reporter. Presently, I'm doing research for an article about how surveillance changes the behavior of the citizens. What my editor want my story to answer is essence one question, but a large one: "How does mass-surveillance like what's exposed by Edward Snowden change how people use the Internet?"
>> Finding theoretical discussions isn't hard. What I'm trying to find is recent research that is based on real-life observations (or similar) how this actually happens. The PEN America's report is one good example[1], but I would also like to have research based on a wider demography, not well known authors and journalists.
>> I understand that there hasn't gone long enough to do actual studies based on what has happened since Snowden's leaks, so what I'm looking for is studies that look into other kinds of online surveillance.
>> I'm thankful for any pointers.
>> [1] – http://www.pen.org/chilling-effects
>> Best regards,
>> Anders Thoresson
>> http://anders.thoresson.se
>> http://www.dn.se/blogg/teknikbloggen
>> http://twitter.com/thoresson
>> -- 
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