[liberationtech] Swedish press question: How does surveillance change the citizen's behavior?
Jessica L. Beyer
jlbeyer at uw.edu
Tue Dec 17 13:56:43 PST 2013
Dear Anders,
You might look to the world of filesharing, e.g. the implementation of
IPRED in Sweden (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7978853.stm). Måns Svensson and
Stefan Larsson at Lund University have done some fantastic work on
filesharing that have empirical findings related to surveillance. For
instance, they have a 2012 New Media and Society piece titled "Intellectual
property law compliance in Europe: Illegal file sharing and the role of
social norms" that looks at the implementation of IPRED. The piece is
focused on the issue of social norms, but as a side finding shows changes
in behavior. They have other work in this area as well - see the Cybernorms
working group, http://cybernormer.se/about-us/
I know the legality issues are different - but the underlying questions
about what people do when they think they are being watched could be
Dr. Jessica L. Beyer, @jlbeyer <https://twitter.com/jlbeyer>
University of Washington
On Wed, Dec 11, 2013 at 4:54 AM, Anders Thoresson <anders at thoresson.net>wrote:
> I'm a swedish freelance reporter. Presently, I'm doing research for an
> article about how surveillance changes the behavior of the citizens. What
> my editor want my story to answer is essence one question, but a large one:
> "How does mass-surveillance like what's exposed by Edward Snowden change
> how people use the Internet?"
> Finding theoretical discussions isn't hard. What I'm trying to find is
> recent research that is based on real-life observations (or similar) how
> this actually happens. The PEN America's report is one good example[1], but
> I would also like to have research based on a wider demography, not well
> known authors and journalists.
> I understand that there hasn't gone long enough to do actual studies based
> on what has happened since Snowden's leaks, so what I'm looking for is
> studies that look into other kinds of online surveillance.
> I'm thankful for any pointers.
> [1] – http://www.pen.org/chilling-effects
> Best regards,
> Anders Thoresson
> http://anders.thoresson.se
> http://www.dn.se/blogg/teknikbloggen
> http://twitter.com/thoresson
> --
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