[liberationtech] old libtech archives? bitcoin/bit-gold/b-money

Adam Back adam at cypherspace.org
Mon Dec 16 08:18:50 PST 2013

Does anyone have old libtech archives from like 1997-2000 range?

I am curious to see the bit-gold announce by Nick Szabo and discussion.

The b-money announce was on cypherpunks list


which was nov 1998.  It is stated that Nick Szabo's bit-gold idea was posted
on lib tech list about the same time.  I was not subscribed to that list at
that time and cant find any list archives from that period.  I gather the
list moved home at some point.

So I am asking here.  Does anyone have the original bit-gold post by Nick
Szabo or followon discussion about it (or about b-money)?



ps please keep me on cc if replying to list

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